
On-Line Auctions - One of the most comfortable & profitable ways to sell. We do many of them because they Work !

ON-SITE Auctions- On-site auctions is the primary reason Bigfoot Auctions is contacted. Conducting an Auction for you or your company at a commercial environment or a residence.

LIVE Auctions- We can professionally asses almost any situation to conduct a live auction.

CLEAN-OUTS- We will assist you in determining what may sell at an auction, and the rest we will remove and have the space broom clean when completed.

BUY-OUTS - The occasion might arise of a client wanting to just sell outright because of issues like moving, excess belongings, time concerns, extra space needed and to generate some income. Bigfoot Auctions has the ability to purchase items for those reasons.

CONSIGNMENT- Bigfoot Auctions will  pick up your belongings and conduct an auction.